Aug 7, 2012

Winding up!

Why do people find it so funny to wind other people up? Why???

Some people may like winding up others because their reality is so miserable that they need to spread their unhappiness to others in order to find some satisfaction… it’s the typical case of: If I can’t have it then none can!

Some people like winding up others because their self-esteem is so low that only by making others look ridiculous they will feel better about themselves.

Some “winders” always find the perfect opportunity to be the centre of attention for a minute or two by making other people feel awful…

Some other people are withdrawn or simply shy and find it really hard to interact with others and "annoying others" is their way to show affection. They play with our limits by teasing and pushing till it hurts… Some of us are prayed upon by these kind of people... So keep in mind that Sigmund Freud said: “Out of your vulnerabilities will come your strength.”

Finally, I would say that the “winding up others” provides them with a whole mental relief and spiritual liberation, by allowing them to exploit our innermost feelings – it was just a joke - avoiding confrontation…all at the same cost!

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