Jul 25, 2012


It would be nicer to live in a world where flexibility and open minds preserve us from the rigid and narrow concepts that some people would like to impose upon us.

The more I enjoy life, the more I tend to realise that the world is not in black and white or simple shades of grey, but actually the world is full of vivid beautiful colours!

Believe it or not, some people still want to make me think that things can be one way or another; they want to make us think that there are only two choices and only one of them is right...

From birth we are taught that things can only be right or wrong, nice or ugly, good or bad... and as toddlers we learn that nice is good and then good is right...

Then, as teenagers, we questioned every single thing and we learned that wrong can be nice and sometimes bad is good...

So, how and why did “those romantic rebels” get so obtuse? Don’t they realise that if things can’t bend they collapse? Isn’t it ironic to realise that glass can be hard and fragile at the same time..?

How much our thoughts can jeopardise our existence and how fragile our existence becomes if we allow ourselves to follow those hard and structured thoughts in black and white...

So once more, the genius of Leonardo makes it clear to me that everything in life seems to be a matter of perspective...

Let’s say for example that we focus our eyes on a tree, on the branches, on the leaves... the whole composition will show green and brown to us. Because since a very early age, we have been trained to synthesise landscapes into small shapes, animals into simple polygons and the human body into basic figures... But, nature is so complex and rich; so animated and diverse...

To admire this particular piece of art called a tree, to connect again with the principals of nature, we could start by connecting with our inner magnifying glass and focus on the essence of things.
Only when we get closer to the true essence, we will notice that what we thought was green is in fact, a whole perfect combination of grey, light blue, orange and yellow...and maybe purples and pinks too...


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