Oct 19, 2016

The streets of surrender

Every man has got two cities he needs to be
The one he can touch and the one he can’t see
The one where a stranger’s a friend

Everyman has got one city of liberty
For me it’s Berlin, I love it
Every time I try to lose myself
I seem to find these streets of surrender

You’re free baby, baby
Free now and forever
It’s Christmas time you can decide
To forget or to remember
You’re free baby, baby
I didn’t come down here to fight you
I came here down these streets
Of love and pride to surrender
The streets of surrender
Of surrender

I live in the stories that are told
In the child you chose to hold
And the ones you turn away

To be free baby, baby
Free now and forever
This vale of tears will disappear
And it’s love you will remember
You’re free baby, baby
I didn’t come down here to fight you
I came here down these streets
Of love and pride to surrender
The streets of surrender
The streets of surrender

Oct 16, 2016



Visit my site and go bananas...



The best time of the year is round the corner... don't waste time and visit my site...


Mar 8, 2015


Because I am a woman in pink!

Mar 31, 2014


                            Si para recobrar lo recobrado 
                               debí perder lo perdido, 
                            si para conseguir lo conseguido 
                            tuve que soportar lo soportado,

                            si para estar ahora enamorado 
                           fue menester haber estado herido, 
                            tengo por bien sufrido lo sufrido, 
                           tengo por bien llorado lo llorado.

                        Porque después de todo he comprobado 
                           que no se goza bien de lo gozado 
                           sino después de haberlo padecido.

                        Porque después de todo he comprendido 
                           que lo que el árbol tiene de florido 
                             vive de lo que tiene sepultado

Jan 19, 2014


“The ability to be happy comes from the neocortex, the higher brain that is the site of reason, intellect, long-term memory, and the human spirit.”

Jan 16, 2014


Be careful of that innocent kind of punishment, be careful of fear... be specially careful of those ones who say they love you and hurt you instead...

Be VIP to yourself.

Be true.

Be you.

Jul 1, 2013


Here are your waters and your watering place.
Drink and be whole again beyond your confusion.

Jun 6, 2013


Soy mujer. Soy peligrosa. Soy absurda. Soy irracional. 
Soy mujer. Soy lo que este mundo más teme. Soy lo que la Vida más ama.

I am female. I'm dangerous. I am absurd. I'm irrational. 
I am a woman. I am what this world fears most. I am what life loves most.

Jun 5, 2013


Some people feel the rain. Others just get wet...

Jun 3, 2013

La Nostalgia...

Que segun pasan los anios, al mirar atras, los dias tenian mas perfume y las estrellas brillaban con mas fuerza...o todo lo contrario?

Dec 4, 2012

Just to let you know...

Just because it's night, it's cold and it's raining....
Just because I remembered suddenly that I have been so happy with you...

A ver si sueno y te agarras que nos caemos....


Nov 20, 2012


The Spirit of Galatea...
El Espiritu de Galatea...

Oct 31, 2012


Some people feel the rain...others just get wet

Oct 15, 2012

Sonnet in love

Si para recobrar lo recobrado
debí perder primero lo perdido,
si para conseguir lo conseguido
tuve que soportar lo soportado,

si para estar ahora enamorado
fue menester haber estado herido,
tengo por bien sufrido lo sufrido,
tengo por bien llorado lo llorado.

Porque después de todo he comprobado
que no se goza bien de lo gozado
sino después de haberlo padecido.

Porque después de todo he comprendido
por lo que el árbol tiene de florido
vive de lo que tiene sepultado.

Francisco Luis Bernárdez

Sep 17, 2012


Being far from home is something that people find fascinating, strange and sometimes problematic…

Not a long time ago, I was frequently questioned about my roots… about where I belong…

After living for such a long time abroad some people like to assume that all of us who migrate at some point feel like a tree without land…

They used to ask me: where are your roots? I tried to work out how to answer such a difficult question and I think I found it by stating: My roots are right here in front of you….they are beneath my feet… they come with me everywhere I go…

Aug 17, 2012


Many many memories came to me this weekend.

I re met some good fellows after such a long time... I built their houses in Spain and  - in a way - I believe that I changed their lives and they made me happy forever...

For all those colleagues of mine and for myself, I decided to post this sutile and beautiful old text - so new and so true - of what our profession means... Please enjoy and remember to read it twice: once with your eyes, next with your soul...

"The architect should be equipped with knowledge of many branches of study and varied kinds of learning, for it is by his /her judgement that all work done by the other arts is put to test.

In all matters, but particularly in architecture, there are these two points:—the thing signified, and that which gives it its significance.

Neither natural ability without instruction nor instruction without natural ability can make the perfect artist.

Let him/ her be educated, skilful with the pencil, instructed in geometry, know much history, have followed the philosophers with attention, understand music, have some knowledge of medicine, know the opinions of the jurists, and be acquainted with astronomy and the theory of the heavens."

From the Ten Books of Architecture.



Few people are happy.

Most of the people I know are neutral or unhappy, and most of the people I meet sure don’t look happy!

Happy people really stand out, partly because they’re so rare. Since hardly anybody does it, it’s easy to assume that being happy is complicated, or there’s some secret you have to know, or maybe you have to be born with a certain gene.

 While people are born with an innate level of happiness or happiness set point, and circumstances also influence how happy you are, you still have the power to make yourself have the power to make yourself happier.

Surprisingly, 50% of our happiness levels come from genetics, and only 10% from circumstances, leaving 40% that we can control. Why are so many people unhappy? It’s actually pretty simple. The thing that keeps most people from being happy is fear.

Unhappiness comes from fear. There are two main fears: the fear of not having enough, and the fear of not being enough.

 If you think about it, it makes sense. All the worries about money, job security, possessions, bigger houses, and power come from the fear of not having enough.

 The worries about what other people think, not being loved, not being able to do something well, or getting fired come from the fear of not being enough.

 Whatever your fears are, wherever they come from, please give them away and be happy. 

Aug 16, 2012


In these days where life goes so fast and all is very material…there is something that makes our reality more bearable, it is probably the ONE thing that saves us from falling into a dark and unstable mood.
Scientific studies say that Daydreamers are people with a general good sense of humour, open-minded attitude towards change, well developed; abstract thinking and therefore have a higher IQ…we all daydream to some degree.

It could also be seen as that peaceful time that we spend at work, trying to figure out how to “block” the annoyance of our bosses’ tone of voice!

Or… that laughing time we spend with friends, planning how to fulfil our most ridiculous fantasies.
Buddhism states that we are shaped by our thoughts and we are/become what we think, in which case “daydreaming” plays such a fundamental part in our destiny that would make it impossible to ignore!

Now, if our thoughts create our reality, and if they are so important to our mental health and emotional life, then how much money would we pay to make our thoughts tangible? 

Aug 14, 2012


For a long time, I’ve been the only one foreign girl in the office… the alien… And I quickly had to learn the unbearable truth: I will have to live for the rest of my life with this stupid accent of mine… Okay, I can live with the fact of speaking with a different accent… but what about my moods?

Being “the different one” is something “I made a choice to be” when I decided to leave my country… and to tell you the truth…going back to those days, I guess I was feeling like the odd one out down there as well… So what is the problem with me?

Why do I feel that my life sucks while everyone else’s is so established and stable? Some people even tried to make me think that I am going through the change…
Me? Really? Come on!

Why does my mood change from one hour to another… why do I take things so much to heart?
Sometimes I feel over-sensitive and blue… and some other times I cannot stop my euphoria, so you’ll find me singing out loud ( at-the-top-of-my-voice ) in the car or going out running every single night of the week… What is happening to me? Forget about it, I have not reached the “change” yet!

Wherever I am - up in the skies or down in the doldrums’ – it is not great to be so intense… Other people don’t take things too much to heart and get better (really better) through all of the funny situations that I struggle with.

What about my career? Some of my colleagues at work take their jobs so seriously… I just can’t see work as THAT devoted place of illumination and pride… well, that’s affecting me now! Why am I so different?

And finally…What about love? I am so happy to have this beautiful marriage and see that we still have fun together…feeling free and enjoying each other…but is this it? Forever? I mean, honestly? Really? Yes, maybe I am experiencing the change…

Why do I have the feeling that I am the only one who is over thinking all this stuff… or am I?
